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Team management

Learn how to set up and manage teams on Scribeless with different roles, to collaborate on handwritten direct mail marketing campaigns.

Updated over a year ago

A team on Scribeless is a workspace where users can collaborate on campaigns or upload individual campaigns that are reviewed by teammates with greater permissions.

Team roles

Creator: is the creator of the team, with the same permission levels as an admin.

Admin: is responsible for billing management for all campaigns, can see all campaigns within their team regardless of team type, and can invite teammates and change teammate roles.

Member: can create campaigns, but does not have access to billing. Permissions to view campaigns are dependent on team type.

Team types

Collaborators: a team where members have read-and-write access on all other user campaigns. Best suited for companies that want to collaborate and move quickly on campaign designs.

Solo: a team where members can only see their individual campaigns, with billing managed by the team admin. Most commonly used by agencies and larger companies that have data privacy concerns about sharing campaigns between users.

Creating a team

To create a team, you will need to:

  1. Log in to Scribeless

  2. On the dashboard, click "Team", and then "Create Team"

  3. Name your team and choose your team type

Inviting teammates

You can invite teammates one of two ways:

  1. Share a URL

  2. Send email invite

Sharing a URL

  1. Head to Team Settings

  2. Enable "Public"

  3. Copy URL and send to teammates

Send email invite

  1. Click "Invite New Member"

  2. Enter email and role

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