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Scribeless glossary
Scribeless glossary

Learn definitions about terms used in the Scribeless platform, documentation and site.

Updated over a year ago

Learn definitions about terms used in the Scribeless platform, documentation and site.

Batching: the process in which our team quality checks your added recipients and then sends them to our production team ready to be produced and shipped.

Bleed: the part on the side of a rendered PDF that gives our printers a small amount of space to account for the natural movement of the paper during trimming.

Bulk shipping: a method of delivery where we send the completed campaign in bulk to you directly.

Campaign: a completed design, including copy, graphics, and custom fields. A campaign might be one order, as campaigns are often one time use, but can also be isolated from an order in instances of multiple uploads or integration.

Campaign editor: a tool that allows a user to build a campaign note through drag and drop components, text inputs, and mapped custom fields.

Campaign status: the status of a campaign and the overall stage of recipients within that campaign, which include:

  • Waiting for card: the campaign is paused until a card is added to the account, at which point it will move to active.

  • Active: the campaign is ready to go, and any recipients added that are "in progress" will be included in our next batch.

  • In progress: the recipients within the campaign are rendering; once rendered, the campaign will move to active.

  • Shipped: all recipients within the campaign have been shipped.

  • Paused: the campaign and all recipients within the campaign are paused, so will not be batched until the campaign is unpaused.

  • Admin hold: the campaign has been placed on hold by our team due to an issue being flagged when quality checking takes place.

Carriers: refers to the postage carriers (USPS, Royal Mail, Canada Post, FedEx, and DHL) that we use to ship campaigns, whether the method used is direct mail or bulk shipping.

Crop marks: are lines printed in the corners of notes to show the printer where to trim the paper.

Custom field: a field within a note that is personalized to each recipient, and is uploaded alongside name and address data to render a unique word or sentence onto their note.

Direct mail: a method of delivery where we drop off each send to a local carrier with each unit already stamped, ready to go directly into the postal network.

Duplex: a printing term that indicates two-sided printing.

Envelope size: The size and dimensions of envelopes used in mailings.

Footer: an area at the bottom of a template where you can add text in a standard font, which is usually used to add contact information or website details.

Handwriting style: our custom range of styles that imitate the look of handwriting using clever AI techniques.

Indicia: a printed artwork box in the top right hand corner of an envelope indicating that postage has been paid by the mailer.

Integration: a connection between two apps, such as Zapier and Scribeless. The user connects to the app, and the integration is the connection between Scribeless and the app.

List cleaning: a process by which list names are checked for accuracy of address, title, location, etc.

List (mailing list): names and addresses of individuals and/or companies having a common specific interest, characteristic, or activity.

Order: an invoice for mailings. For one off orders, it is sent post batching, and for integrations, it is sent every 30 days.

Paper size: the size and dimensions of the paper used in mailings, which include:

  • Postcard: 4 x 6 inches

  • Half letter: 5 x 7 inches

  • Letter: 7 x 10 inches

  • A6: 105 x 148.5 mm

  • A5: 148.5 x 210 mm

  • A4: 210 x 297 mm

Platform: our web-based application that enables users to create campaigns, manage billing, and view order statuses.

Postcard: an individual card mailed without an envelope.

PPI: printed postage impression is a postmark used for account mailing; see also indicia.

Presort: a discount offered by carriers for those who prepare the mail ready for direct delivery by state or city.

Proof: first print or copy of a mailing piece. A photograph prior to re-touching or cropping.

Recipient: an individual personalized mail piece, which includes a rendered envelope and card.

Recipient status: the status of a recipient within a campaign, which include:

  • In progress: the recipient has been accepted and is awaiting batching by our team.

  • Shipped: the recipient has been batched and will be handed to a carrier within one working day.

  • Hold: the recipient has been placed on hold by our team due to an issue being flagged when quality checking takes place.

  • Ignored: the recipient has been ignored and will not be sent.

Rendering: our process of generating a handwritten script into a merged PDF ready to be used in a mailing.

Simplex: a printing term that indicates one-sided printing.

Team roles: the role a user plays within a team account, which includes:

  • Creator: is the creator of the team, with the same permission levels as an admin.

  • Admin: is responsible for billing management for all campaigns, can see all campaigns within their team regardless of team type, and can invite teammates and change teammate roles.

  • Member: can create campaigns, but does not have access to billing. Permissions to view campaigns are dependent on team type.

Team types: the variations of team accounts with differing user access levels, dependent on the needs of the team creator:

  • Collaborators: a team where members have read-and-write access to all other user campaigns. Best suited for companies that want to collaborate and move quickly on campaign designs.

  • Solo: a team where members can only see their individual campaigns, with billing managed by the team admin. Most commonly used by agencies and larger companies that have data privacy concerns about sharing campaigns between users.

Undeliverable: a mailing piece returned to us as undeliverable for reason of an incorrect name or address.

​User: the person using an account with us.

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